Kesan Kebiadaban Dunia Siber

Saya telah membaca sebuah rencana daripada Utusan Malaysia , bertarikh 18 April 2010 yang ditulis oleh Dr. Rahamat berkenaan dengan “Kesan Kebiadaban Di Dunia Siber” Bagi pendapat saya, rencana ini mempunyai kebaikkannya. Kebiadaban di dunia siber ini akan memberi impak yang teruk kepada sesuatu komuniti. Lebih-lebih lagi generasi muda lebih terpengaruh dengan multimedia iaitu alam siber untuk mendapatkan infomasi dan untuk menambahkan pengetahuan dengan penggunaan laman sosial,“blogspot” dan carian enjin.

Malaysia kini di dalam arus pencapaian wawasan 2020, dengan negara kita yang sedang meningkat maju untuk mendapatkan perhatian dunia. Malaysia yang mempunyai berbilang kaum dan etnik haruslah bersatu padu dengan matlamat Perdana Menteri kita mempraktikan “Gagasan 1  Malaysia”.  Ini menunjukkan isu-isu fitnah dan hasutan yang berlaku di alam siber sekarang ini seharusnya tidak berlaku. Bila kita lihat dari sudut perspektif positif, ia memberi kesedaran kepada semua tentang kebebasan bersuara di dalam alam siber yang boleh menimbulkan kekecohan di dalam sesebuah negara.

Statistik dikaji oleh Dr.Rahmat tentang bahasa kesat daripada enjin carian Google telah menunjukkan bahasa kesat yang ini boleh menimbulkan isu-isu hangat kepada negara tentang sensitivi pada sesuatu kaum dengan jumlah paling tinggi kepada carian google untuk “Melayu” + “Babi” 703,000. Isu ini menjadi tanda tanya. Siapakah yang telah melakukan? Adakah bukan orang melayu melakukannya? atau Adakah orang melayu sendiri melakukannya?  Ini menunjukkan tiada penapisan unutuk menghalang bahasa kesat dan carian enjin yang negatif seperti unsur-unsur pronografi, ajaran sesat, keganasan global, dan lain-lain.

Dalam rencana ini, Dr Rahmat telah menguraikan tentang isu iaitu
“Dengan data penggunaan kata-kata kesat seperti yang dipaparkan, tidak hairanlah jika negara seperti Iran (pada awal Feb 2010) telah mengharamkan enjin carian 'Google'. Pastinya tindakan kerajaan Iran adalah untuk mencegah carian-carian maklumat dan berita yang boleh merosakkan minda masyarakat serta keharmonian negara. Namun kita pasti, itu bukanlah penyelesaian yang berkesan,( Dr Rahmat , 2010)

Saya bersetuju tentang apa yang dikatakan oleh beliau kerana ini bukan penyelesaiaan yang berkesan. Bagi pendapat saya, jika ia berlaku kepada Malaysia ia akan menyebabkan Malaysia  akan menjadi negara yang mundur dalam mandapat informasi d dalam alam siber kerana kita sudah tahu tanpa alam siber manusia akan  menjadi mundur seperti “katak di bawah tempurung”

Oleh itu, saya mencadangkan  supaya mewujudkan sesuatu penapisan di dalam carian enjin untuk menghalang berlakunya isu-isu negatif ini tersebar sacara meluas di alam siber ini untuk menghasut mana- mana pihak. Diharap perkara-perkara kurang matang ini tidak lagi akan timbul di minda masyarakat.



Young female Malaysian graduates are resorting to more ‘lucrative jobs’ than the ones their qualifications can get them–they are willing to sell their bodies and offer massage services to earn five-digit incomes. Now we see that many of the young female Malaysian grads are now selling their bodies for making easy bucks.

This is the most disgusting and a very shameful news to know that our grads are doing this kind of works to get easy money and not only effect to them but also to our  country which had been recognized  all over the world.  Furthermore, this problem had given the bad impression to the world and many might think that to get this kind of services they can easily when come to Malaysia.  

We all understand that every religion is good to the people, example for the Muslim, we were though of different principals such as to be truth, honesty, to convey and to be intelligence.  However, at present the people are going towards the dark side of these principals.  In view to this situation today, the grads of today are looking forward to the dark side.  This is because the new generation has been lacking their holy religious teaching. 

Today we can see thousand of grads are leaving the university and it is difficult for them to get job which suitable with their qualification. Not to say that, some of them are too choosy in finding jobs. For some reason why this happened is because for some grads who leave in the big city wanted to enjoy life and if they like to enjoy the city life they need to have a lot of  pocket money that they can spend every day. They wanted to be glamour, to be popular within their friends surrounding, like to spend money buying all branded thing, going to clubs to enjoy night life, like to compete within friends and some are materialistic.  By selling their bodies they think they can get fast money without asking them from their parents or loan from their friends. 

Since most of them comes from big but poor families and might not get enough pocket money to spend and the only way to get fast and easy money is buying selling their bodies to others without thinking what will happen to them and their families in the future. However, another reason may be, because of their parents or families who stayed in the village and are poor and always asked for money from their children to support them.  Some parents may think that when their children had grads they can easily get job in the job in the city.  In order to make their parents happy, some of the grads may do this kind of work so that they can earn lots of money and send them to their parents every month and not telling what work they had done. 

We can see that the mentality and the quality of the present grads are too low and they could not even think and compare what is good and back by doing this dirty work.  In future they might suffer all kind of diseases which affect their life. There are many other jobs that they can do rather than selling their bodies to get more and easy money, if they are not too choosy about the work that they wanted to do and know which is wrong and right.

As conclusion, to avoid this problem wide spread, the government of Malaysia needs to work hard and find ways to overcome this problem and to help grads to find their job in industry. It will give a good name to our country. 

Young Generation are More in Favour of Online Journalism

Grew up with high era and modern technology are normal for people in this era. Skills of using computer are not that difficult own compare to the past 20 years.  We can hardly see people; especially teenagers have the stupidity in using computer. The usage of computer is so efficient and much easier. We can even browse information and get updated news with internet. Internet has been common nowadays, reaching people in many of the houses.

To talk about internet, we knew that we could get anything with it, especially news. Nowadays, journalism is moving through online and the internet is freely accessible. People can spend hours sit and browsing through vast amount of information to find all sorts of relevant material. All facts and information produced and distributed via internet are call online journalism. It can be video, blog, twitter etc. Since it already become an important and most popular tool on the World Wide Web, people being obsessed and addicted with it.  Henceforth, we knew that younger generation are more into the online streaming for social network, and they even find news and information by just browsing the internet rather than buying a newspaper. Not forget to mention that online journalism is now slightingly popular in this world. In Malaysia, more and more young teenagers and young people these days are more in favour on online journalism. To them, online journalism can help them looking for legitimate ways to earn extra money through online.

The Blogs has been an interactive form of communication to the young generation of today world. From the Twitter, they can also search the up-to-date on current events and much other news by just following the conversations and communications professionally. Therefore, the foregone conclusion here that we can say is younger generation prefers to adapt online journalism as their daily usage.

Nevertheless, to mention here, there are a few negative side of online journalism. For a student online journalism can lead them to do a big howler by plagiarizing. When they use it in the wrong perspective, this is what can really happen.  In addition, some of the information based from online journalism can be exaggerate. There are no credit given that is the reason why the writer write exaggerate news to challenge his or her credibility. To be more accurate with the negative side of online journalism are, we can clearly see the use of shallow vocabulary and the grammatical error. Youngster might take it as a usual words since there will be no correction and experts to make it right. For instance, the Wikipedia, Not all information or facts from wikipedia are usable.

To point in a smaller context, Malaysia does have a problem regarding online journalism. Our bloggers sometimes can bring other people who read their blog falls from their perception and assumption. It can be good and bad.  Yet if, the online journalism through blog, state bad perception on some issue, what will happen for the readers who can easily influenced. Sometimes, how the bloggers express their words in his or her blog might lead to harm. Online journalism is also a good medium for all people. However, people can also easily misuse it. These means, online journalism material can be right and wrong. The information cycle high, possibility will change

Young generations are into the online journalism. The material from online journalism that they receive can be in written and video. From the past research, did mention that youngsters prefer to watch news through online streaming rather than watch it on television. They interested more with online journalism is because; the youngster can do a multitasking job. Some people might said and complain about youngsters nowadays lack of reading behavior, they only spend hours facing computer to online.

Beside all of these negative statements, there are also positive things show that online journalism is good to use. In the right perspective online journalism are not wastes of time. Young generation not only addicted and use internet to find sources or information, but the white-collar employment also use internet to watch and read news. Since they are too busy with overload task, online journalism is the only sources they have. However, we knew in this well technology era, we could get internet connection easily by just having mobile or laptop.  This is a lot to prove that online journalism is an easy medium compare to newspaper and TV broadcasting.

Furthermore, the trend of reading newspaper is not yet decreased even online journalism are more in favour lately. According to the research year 2009, audiences for online journalism continue to grow and Americans reported that they get their national and international news from the internet, rather than newspaper. Example of sources website of news are CNN, BERNAMA etc. Even when browsing the internet we can get a vast expanse of news. If we are Malaysian, than we can search more news and updated news from other country. Online journalism can help youngsters to gain knowledge.

Again said, information and facts produced and distribute through internet is the definition of online journalism. Any types of information in words or video can consider as information, the only different is how the information been delivered. Video in the internet also might lead viewers and influenced them. YouTube is a website where people view to watch video. All types of variety video we can see on YouTube. Hence, youngsters use YouTube to watch news, facts, and information but some of them use it in improper way. They tend to misuse the internet as entertainment that can bring them to the wrong path. Concisely, online journalism has pros and cons. Not to point specifically who favour in using online journalism. Clearly, we see at an early age children they grew up with the advance technology which give them much easier and faster communication and information through the internet.

In conclusion, online journalism users are now increasing from day by day. Even though, some people might misuse it by plagiarizing, exaggerate the news or information that might influence others, and some language error but still internet are the best sources to get anything. Lastly, online journalism is like a magic tool for people.